Friday, May 7, 2010

Character Connection Post #1

Okay the first character I will spotlight this week is Jane Bennett-Bingley from Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen. Yes I know, everyone loves, loves, LOVES Elizabeth Bennett but in all honesty, I cannot stand her. She takes the term self-involved to new heights. I know that's part of the story but she never really recovers from it. If you think about it, Darcy does all the changing and growing in that relationship. But I digress ... lol

I simply adore Jane. I don't have a crush on her but I love her anyway lol She's level-headed, she's sweet, she's thoughtful, and she's a stablizing influence on her naughty sisters heeh I love the way she guides and nutures without overpowering you. I don't usually like the goody-goody characters but Jane is wonderful, especially as she is portrayed in the Colin Firth version of P&P by Susannah Harker. In fact, Harker is just how I imagined Jane lol (see picture below)

Okay enough with the Harker fan girl stuff lol Jane is just awesome. I wish Austen would have done a book that circulated around her, rather than "Lizzie" (I am blashpheming I know lol).


  1. Welcome to Character Connection! I'm so glad you joined in!

    I relate much more to Jane than Lizzie. I'm the quiet one who would just let the guy go rather than cause a scene. I would love to sit in the corner of a ballroom and have a nice chat with Jane. Great character and great post!

  2. This is an interesting post :)

    Jane is too good that I can't relate to her and I most certainly prefer Lizzie. But it's great to see someone post about an Austen character who isn't talked about as much as she perhaps should be!

  3. Thank you both for subscribing to my blog. I really appreciate it. Thanks for commenting on this post too. I would love to have a gal pal like Jane heeh Lizzie would drive me nuts though we could talk about Darcy who is so wonderful heeh We could also talk about books so that's something.

  4. +JMJ+

    Jane does get shunted into the background by the more vivacious Lizzie. I should reread Pride and Prejudice just to get a better sense of Jane's character. But I do already agree with you that Lizzie doesn't do as much changing and adjusting as Darcy does.

  5. I agree that Jane is a very loveable character . I always think of her as person who doesn't allow any bad thoughts about other people. andf Lizzie has a lot of doubts and well.. prejudice :) but i do understand her!
