Monday, May 10, 2010

So help me Lord! This will better be the last challenge I participate in!

So help me god, this better be the last challenge I participate in lol This will make 5 and I am already overwhelmed. But it sounds too interesting to resist. The challenge is called the 1010 Challenge and you can learn more about it HERE. Basically the idea behind it is to read books in 10 different categories. My categories are:

1. Classics
2. Romance
3. Cozy Mysteries
4. Male writers
5. Borrowed Books (books I borrow from friends or the library)
6. Erotica (I've never read that before so its something new for me lol)
7. Non-fiction
8. TV Tie-ins (books that are based on TV shows)
9. Horror
10. African-American writers

Cheer me on! Five challenges is a lot for me lol


  1. Haha! I LOVE joining challenges too! Quite find it hard to keep away from. Recently though, I removed myself off from a few of them, and then joined a few more. LOL!

  2. LOL I guess we are all certifiable book fiends!
